The Women's Ministry of ABC is here to serve women regardless of the season of life you are in. Are you new in Aviano? Leaving soon? Or staying here and growing weary of saying hello and goodbye? We welcome you to come join our spiritually, emotionally, and physically refreshing Women’s Ministry. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that God is in control. Be encouraged, sit and rest awhile and know that the Lord is with us! If you would like more information or have any questions about our Women's Ministry, please send an email to: [email protected].
Women's Bible Study - Every Tuesday @ 1730 and Wednesday @ 1000 at the church
Bring your Bible and a heart to know God more deeply and grow in community with other Christian women; join the ladies of ABC for a time of fellowship and study in God's Word! If you can't show up in person, you can follow along via ZOOM. Our current bible study curriculum is shown above. If you're interested in bible study or have any questions, please send an email to: [email protected].
Ladies in Fellowship Together (LIFT)
LIFT is designed to help you connect with other Christian ladies within the body of Christ for fellowship and encouragement. Every month someone will host a themed potluck at their house and everyone will bring a dish to share while we engage in fellowship.
Contact Kara Cruz, our LIFT Coordinator, for more information.
Women's Bible Study - Every Tuesday @ 1730 and Wednesday @ 1000 at the church
Bring your Bible and a heart to know God more deeply and grow in community with other Christian women; join the ladies of ABC for a time of fellowship and study in God's Word! If you can't show up in person, you can follow along via ZOOM. Our current bible study curriculum is shown above. If you're interested in bible study or have any questions, please send an email to: [email protected].
Ladies in Fellowship Together (LIFT)
LIFT is designed to help you connect with other Christian ladies within the body of Christ for fellowship and encouragement. Every month someone will host a themed potluck at their house and everyone will bring a dish to share while we engage in fellowship.
Contact Kara Cruz, our LIFT Coordinator, for more information.